6 Reasons to Keep Your Lateral Job Search Going Through the Holidays

The holidays are approaching, and the year is winding down. People are taking time off to be with family and friends and most attorneys are eagerly awaiting their end of year bonuses. It seems like a less than ideal time to move jobs…or is it? We’ll show you why it may actually be the perfect time.

1.  Companies are still hiring

Work doesn’t stop during the holiday season, especially in the legal field. Hiring managers are trying to fill remaining positions and use up end of year budget surpluses, which means hiring processes are streamlined and you could get an offer sooner than you think. Most businesses start to evaluate their yearly business goals around late October into November. If firms have not reached their hiring targets yet, they may fast track high profile candidates to fit them in before the end of the year.

2. Recruiters have more time for you

Many job seekers take a step back from their search to enjoy time with family and friends during the holidays. This means a lighter load of candidates for recruiters. Utilizing a recruiter’s services during a slower period means you get more time and attention. They have unlisted job opportunities available and can help you find the right fit, especially if you’re feeling burned out searching on your own.

3. Great Networking Opportunities

Holidays are all about bringing people together! Bar associations and other legal organizations have holiday parties and professional gatherings that could be the perfect opportunity to connect with old acquaintances and colleagues. People feel generous around the holidays are more likely to extend their helping hand to connect you to a new opportunity or someone who may be able to help you. Charity Events are another great way to connect with other professionals while serving your community.

4. Get ahead of New Year job seekers

There are also a lot of job seekers who wait until the New Year to start their search. They become one resume in a stack of hundreds. Starting your search before your competition means more opportunities, and it can help keep you motivated during a time when it’s easy to get distracted. Remaining active in the job market could land you with an offer, job security, and maybe even a better paycheck which is a great way to ring in the New Year!

5. The holidays are a time for connections

Reconnecting with people you haven’t talked to in a while is a beneficial and strategic networking tactic to use in your job search. The holiday season opens some great pathways to start the conversation. Sending recruiters or potential employers a handwritten note is always appreciated and brings you to the forefront of their mind.

6. Negotiating a start date

Accepting an offer doesn’t necessarily mean starting your job right away and missing quality time with your family around the holidays. Negotiating the details of a job offer can include things like start date and vacation time. Contract negotiations happen all the time, especially with lateral hires. More times than not – especially around the holiday season – employers are willing to work with their candidates regarding their start date and onboarding process.

If you are looking to make a career change, don’t let the holiday season pass you by, it could be the perfect time to find your new professional opportunity.

Valiant Search is an executive search firm headquartered in Albany, New York that recruits and places attorneys and legal support for law firms and legal departments. We can be reached at (518) 732-7848 or info@valiantsearch.com. For more information on Valiant Search, please visit www.valiantsearch.com.  


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